
This is a collection of my thoughts for each day, i've always kept a journal, and now thanks to the wonders of Internet you'll all be able to read it with me!

(Click here to read my old journal entries from past months)

07/01/00..... 07/04/00..... 07/06/00..... 07/14/00..... 07/18/00.....
08/25/00..... 09/02/00..... 09/10/00..... 09/13/00..... 10/25/00.....
10/26/00..... 10/27/00..... 10/29/00..... 10/31/00..... 11/02/00....
11/05/00..... 11/05/00(2) 11/06/00..... 11/10/00..... 11/23/00.....
12/03/00..... 12/15/00..... 12/27/00..... 01/08/01..... 02/18/01.....
02/20/01..... 04/20/01..... 04/23/01..... 09/08/01..... 09/10/01.....
09/14/01..... 09/16/01.....      

my kitty (smokey at the computer...)